
The sad fate of the boy who lives on a chain

Unfortunately enough for this guy is that his mother died of cancer. When it is said to have lived with  
his mentally retarded disabled father and grandfather probably think worse and can not be. However

it can not, because the guy who write, life goes on chain.

Heh Szili Zejang province of China, has 11 years, most of which spent tied to a chain in the shed, but  

our house is not in much better condition. When he was only one year, He has breached his head and  

then times of mental disorder.

His family says they have to hold the chain, because after he hurt his head, attacking the people  

around him. The older and stronger, it is more difficult to defend him in such moments, because they  
are forced to keep the animal as a metal chain. For small Heh care paralyzed his grandfather, who  

spent time alongside him and cry for the sad fate of his grandson and the whole family.

The father of the boy is mentally retarded, and his mother died when he was small.