
First Love: Romantic correspondence which took the world

Boy touching message of love, sent girl named Ashley, was hit on the Internet

Romantic letters of a small American who announces his wife love the class has been hit on the 

Internet. The boy took courage and opened his heart to a girl named Ashley, which asks to become  

his girlfriend.

- Ashely girlfriend, will become the desire of my girlfriend "? I love you - wrote the website, asking  

his selected to choose between three answers: yes, no or maybe.

Unfortunately, Ashley refused his offer and rrumbullakoi "no". However, not wanting to spoil all the 

bridges behind them, the girl sent reasoning:

- I'm sorry. I already have the boyfriend, who called Kyle. However, when to interrupt the  

connection, you will be my first choice, "Ashley wrote, adding that this would probably happen  

within two-three months.

Correspondence is posted on Reddit two days, whereas until now they have read with their millions