
Former Canadian minister says aliens are worried that we will use the atomic bomb ( VIDEO )

Helier claims that aliens are "very concerned about 

the possibility of nuclear weapons being used 

again , because space is unique, so it not only affects the 

inhabitants of this planet , but on all species in the universe ."90 -year-old Paul Helier , the man who 

commanded the Canadian armed forces 

during the Cold War , argues that at least four types of aliens for thousands of years visiting our 

planet , but lately quite worried , reports Rasha TODAY . 

In an interview with the TV channel said that PT has a " long history " of UFO 's and external 

activities of aliens that are reinforced in the last few decades , rather than when Earthlings have made 

the atomic bomb . 

" They are very afraid that we would be stupid enough to re- start to use atomic weapons . It would 

be very bad for us and for them, " said Helier , who is an engineer by education , but I think the 

commentator with a very long and impressive career . 

Helier position of Canadian defense minister was in the 60s of last century , at the height of the Cold 

War , and for many years has been warning that we are not alone in the universe .

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