
Do you smoke? If you are, see the ad! video

Although smoking is increasingly less popular in many parts of the world , the total number of 

smokers is growing and approaching the figure of one billion , according to data from 187 countries .  
If you are among them , see footage of these two children will surely embarrass and maybe you get to 
leave this bad habit .
In 2012, 967 million people worldwide smoke every day , while in 1980 there were 721 million 

smokers .
There are numerous campaigns and bans to reduce the number of users of tobacco products , and yet 

their numbers only grow .
This is a campaign which would have imagined and most active smoker .
There are two children with a cigarette in their hand access to people who smoke in the streets and 

demanding their addiction.

 Adults are first in shock but the children are persistent, they begin to enumerate cons of smoking.

Smoking are older, you get sick, it's bad for you. These are just a few of the things that smokers  

enumerate. Then ask the children why they smoke.

See their reactions:

Click here to watch the video